Leaving as much as possible

No one likes to think about the end of their life  – it’s always a morbid thing to assess.

Without proper estate planning, your loved ones will have less than you originally wanted to leave them. We’ll work to make sure that doesn’t happen.

The tax laws affecting inheritance require you to think well in advance, and as death can be so unpredictable we recommend you put everything in place as soon as possible.

Estate planning covers many different areas, each as important as the next. Our planning services include:

  • Will writing 
  • Tax exemptions on lifetime transfers
  • Setting up trusts and appointing beneficiaries
  • Transferring assets to your spouse

There are other ways to also reduce your tax bill. You can consider gifting assets to friends or family, or even making donations to charities. 

Estate planning doesn’t always have to be about death. You may want to think about it if you plan to exit a business. When you’re coming to retirement age, it also comes in handy. 

You need to ensure your grieving relatives aren’t landed with a tax bill from HMRC, especially when they’re in their time of mourning.

Our team will help you with all of your estate planning needs, so get in touch with us.

Opening your eyes to a better future

If you like what you’ve read, get in touch today and we’ll talk to you about what we can do for you and your business.

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